

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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10 Rules for Effortless, Everyday Style

In this series, I share some simple tips for leveling up your daily looks.

Confession: I ended up not really loving my March capsule. I tried to go outside the box more for that one and incorporate some things I hadn’t worn in a while, but as a result it just didn’t really end up all working together, and there were only a few outfits I got excited about (and I’ve worn them all several times, haha). I’m glad it happened, because it’s really opened my eyes to what makes up a good capsule, as well as shown me a few items that probably don’t belong in my wardrobe anymore.

Since I’m not interested in forcing myself to wear clothes I don’t really feel excited to wear, I already switched over to this April capsule and I’m feeling good about it! It has a good blend of old items I’ve been wearing over and over, as well as some fun new spring additions (including what I picked up at Madewell this weekend). Just like my March capsule, I stuck with 36 items—especially since this capsule technically is covering a month and a half!

As with my previous capsules, I use the Cladwell App to help me curate my monthly wardrobes and track what I actually wear.

Here’s what I’ll be rotating through for the month…

Here’s a breakdown of what’s included in the capsule, with links to the items or similar items if they’re no longer available:


TOPS (11)



Here are a few outfit combinations I plan to wear this month, using only the items above (feel free to pin them for reference!):

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April Capsule Wardrobe

Read the Comments +

  1. […] than lay by the pool or eat dinner in my parents’ kitchen. Some of the items are from my April capsule, and then I added in a couple of hot weather essentials. This is what I’m planning to put in […]

  2. […] sandals. Honestly, after this style session I’m very seriously considering adding them into my April capsule—they go with more than I realized! In all of these outfits, I’m wearing my Chloe Coin […]

  3. Sophia says:

    I love the capsule wardrobe! I’m trying to create one myself but it’s such a challenge because I have to dress for a professional office setting every weekday, but I’m casual on the weekends. Do I create 2 capsules? I’m a little overwhelmed managing 2 wardrobes if you have any suggestions!

  4. Hollie says:

    This post is so helpful! I love the yellow dress, could you post an idea of how to wear it? It’s so cute!

  5. Claire says:

    How do you add your exact pieces in the Cladwell app? I know they have similar items, but seems like a lot of yours are the exact same! Wondering if I’m missing search by brand or something…

  6. Meghan says:

    I love these capsule posts and your honest reflections. I just peeked at your March capsule and I still love the look of it all. Wondering which items you’re not as drawn to anymore.
    Always inspired by your style which is both practical, classic, and pretty! Thanks, Natalie.

    • Natalie says:

      I think part of my issue with my March capsule was that it just didn’t quite mix and match as much as I had thought it would. I also found I didn’t really want to reach for the floral blouse or polka dot top (which I wore a TON last year, so who knows why).

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