

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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10 Rules for Effortless, Everyday Style

In this series, I share some simple tips for leveling up your daily looks.

Today is my 31st birthday and it feels super strange. It’s a non-exciting age, first of all—last year turning 30 felt like a major deal and I even threw myself a big party with some close friends to celebrate. This year, I’m just one more year into this new decade, extremely pregnant and oh-so-tired. All I really want is a nap. And definitely a glass of champagne (which I sadly won’t get to enjoy for several more weeks!). 

Although I’m feeling a bit odd about today, I still wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the things that have happened over the past year, as well as share a bit about my hopes for year 31.


Cut my (really unhealthy) long hair into a long bob / Fed a giraffe / Became a Glossier rep / Got a positive pregnancy test (February 19th!) / Found out we’re having a GIRL!Successfully got my office decorated / Celebrated Jack’s 3rd birthday / Had the best baby sprinkle ever / Celebrated 2 years of business / Survived pregnancy for the 2nd time!

Traveled to

La Quinta, CA / Fort Worth, TX / Breckenridge, CO / Mattapoisett, MA / Martha’s Vineyard, MA


Within the next couple weeks (days?!), I’ll be welcoming a new person into my life. I’ve spent the whole year letting her grow inside me and kick me constantly, and I’m so close to meeting her. As anticlimactic as turning 31 is, the fact that our family is going to change so majorly makes it a lot more exciting. I don’t want to let the year fly by. I want to soak up every minute of her babyhood, just like I did with Jack. And I want to help foster a good sibling relationship between my kids—something that should be an adventure, as I’m an only child myself!

Business-wise, I of course want to continue to grow and develop—and am so, so excited about the 14K gold pieces coming out next month—but not at the expense of time with my family. I hope to continue to maintain the good balance that I’ve managed over the course of 2 years since I started the business, and continue to blossom as a small-but-successful female-owned company.

Personally, I’m part of 2 new bible studies this year that I’m thankful to be part of. One is a group of fellow mamas that I’m happy to continue to deepen relationships with, and the other is a couples’ study (Brian and I haven’t been in a study together for probably 5 years). I’m excited for all of the relational growth, marital growth and spiritual growth to come as I enter this next year of my thirties.

All in all, my hope is incredibly cliché—that this year is even better than all of the ones before. I pray for a healthy, happy baby girl, the privilege of making more memories with those I love, and an increased gratitude for this life and contentment with all that I’ve been blessed with.

Thanks for being part of this journey with me!!

Outfit Details

Natalie Borton necklace | Rachel Pally dress (c/o) | Steven by Steve Madden shoes

P.S. See last year’s birthday post here, and read about my annual birthday tradition here.

Thirty One

Read the Comments +

  1. You look so gorgeous!!! Happy Birthday mama bird!

  2. Mariaa Del says:

    Happy birthday 🎉❤️ have a good one! I’ve also been pregnant 🤰🏻 on my birthday last month and it’s so special to have a birthday with a little one inside you. Rest up, you’re so close! Many blessings for the year ahead 🥂

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Hi, I'm Natalie

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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