

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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10 Rules for Effortless, Everyday Style

In this series, I share some simple tips for leveling up your daily looks.

UPDATE: I added 3 more things! This pink sweater, and two cardigans (grey and ivory) that are unavailable but super similar to this one.

Well, I’m doing it again—I’m extending my capsule a little longer and combining two months! This time I’m just calling it my “Spring Capsule” because it could easily just be that. I’m late sharing this capsule mostly because it’s taken me so long to decide on my pieces! Honestly, I still prefer a shorter capsule season to a longer one, largely because I think it’s easier to imagine what I’ll want to be wearing for a 30 day period, but longer than that is harder for me. Nonetheless, May and June weather is so similar in San Diego, and it can vary from sweater weather (“May Grey” and “June Gloom”) to sunny beach days. So I’m combining the two months and aiming to have a good enough mix of pieces that will cover a variety of weather. We’ll see if I last the whole two months, haha.

My plan after this capsule finishes up is to hop into a summer vacation capsule for a couple of weeks while we travel to New England and Nashville during the first two weeks of July. I’ll aim to share that with you earlier in June in case you also have some summer travel and want inspiration. As with all of my past capsules, I use Cladwell to create the capsules and track what I’m actually wearing. It’s for iOS only, but if you have an iPhone I highly recommend it. It’s helped me get so much more use out of my clothes, and it really does make creating capsule wardrobes (or travel packing lists) way easier! You can read more about it in this blog post.

Here’s what I’ll be rotating through for the month…

Here’s a breakdown of what’s included in the capsule (46 items for 2 months), with links to the items or similar items if they’re no longer available:


TOPS (20)



Not included officially in my capsule are accessories like bags and jewelry, but they really do complete an outfit so I thought I’d share the pieces I find myself reaching for over and over again this time of year…

Lastly, here are 10 outfit ideas using items from my Spring Capsule!



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Spring Capsule Wardrobe

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  1. […] I got sick of my capsule already! I already knew that I preferred smaller, shorter capsules, so my spring capsule is history now and I created a mini capsule for the end of June before I leave for my vacation. The […]

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Hi, I'm Natalie

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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Spring 2024



See and shop the things I am currently wearing or have on my wish list. I love minimalist, effortless pieces that can be worn multiple ways and cherished for years to come.

My top picks for the season.





An inside look at Natalie Borton Designs (from me, the founder 👋🏼). Outfits, accessories, coffee & overthinking are guaranteed.

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