

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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10 Rules for Effortless, Everyday Style

In this series, I share some simple tips for leveling up your daily looks.

DAY 17: Black button up shirt / denim shortsblack toe ring sandals / sunglassesbasket bag (this is a checkered alternative and this is the added strap) / necklace

DAY 18: Striped tee (similar, NATALIE15 for 15% off) / black high waist shorts (NatalieB15 for 15% off; or similar here for less — and use Natalie15 for 15% off) / sunglasses / bag / necklace chain and heart locket charm / black toe ring sandals


For days 19-21 I was away in Big Bear with Frank & Eileen, so I didn’t stick with my capsule for the month (the beauty of your capsule is you make your own rules!). But here are 3 outfit possibilities I haven’t done yet with the capsule to give you ideas. Full capsule details are here.

DAY 22: Black tee (NATALIE15 for 15% off) / tan trousers (extended sizes here) / black toe ring sandals / bag / sunglasses / necklace

DAY 23: Green button up shirthigh rise 90s jeans (I recommend sizing down 2-3 sizes) / black toe ring sandals / bagsunglasses / heart necklace

One Week of Outfits (August Capsule, Days 17-23)

Read the Comments +

  1. Roxy says:

    How narrow are the Black Reformation Sandals? Are they TTS?

  2. Anne says:

    The jeans linked to day 23 look different to the ones you have on in the photo? Did you cut them to make them cropped? Are they possibly a different wash? I love them and really would like a similar pair!

  3. Jamie says:

    Where did you get that green button down top from day 23?! Link isn’t working

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