

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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10 Rules for Effortless, Everyday Style

In this series, I share some simple tips for leveling up your daily looks.

What’s in store for 2024? Among other things, it’s the year of the podcast. I’ve waited WAY TOO LONG because honestly I don’t like to start things I’m not sure I’ll be good at, but I’ve realized life is too short for those kinds of fears and if I want to do it, it’s time to make it happen. I definitely have a direction I want to take it, but would love to hear from you since you’ll be my audience…what would you want to hear about on my podcast? Feel free to share in the comments, and thank you for helping me get closer to making this a reality.

Until then, here’s the shacket & sneaker combo I wore the other day — super comfortable, casual and cool. A very easy legit mom style look!

Similar shacket (mine is Freda Salvador x Born to Roam and was available at Freda’s Fillmore store!) / Tank (Natalie15 for 15% off) / Zara jeans (old) / Bag / Sneakers / Hoops / Sunglasses

Shacket & Sneakers (Plus Something New Coming in 2024!)

Read the Comments +

  1. Katie says:

    Oh my word, yes!! I am so excited to hear this and for the podcast to launch! I have some big cha ges happening in life in 2024, so I’m off of social media apps for at least the next few months, so I can hear and focus and grow with purpose and integrity. Blogs and podcasts and books are already filling my brain. Thrilled I can add your podcast to the mix in the coming months! Yay Natalie!

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Hi, I'm Natalie

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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Spring 2024



See and shop the things I am currently wearing or have on my wish list. I love minimalist, effortless pieces that can be worn multiple ways and cherished for years to come.

My top picks for the season.





An inside look at Natalie Borton Designs (from me, the founder 👋🏼). Outfits, accessories, coffee & overthinking are guaranteed.

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