

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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10 Rules for Effortless, Everyday Style

In this series, I share some simple tips for leveling up your daily looks.

Guess what…I’m no longer a one woman show! Today I want to introduce you to the two women who have made my life SO MUCH EASIER and share a bit about them. Here’s how it all came about…

First, there was Shawna. Last fall I realized there was no way I was going to make it through the holiday season without some help. I considered hiring an intern from the local college, but then on a whim I texted my friend Shawna (we go way back—we are sorority sisters from college at Pepperdine!) and asked her if she might be interested in a holiday gig. Thankfully, she quickly told me she was up for it and I was so immensely thankful for the help during those weeks in between Black Friday and Christmas. We took a little break for the holidays, but after having her help me out I knew never wanted to do it alone again!

Next, there’s Julia. Earlier this year I decided to commit to making a larger quantity of each new release (I had been doing 25-50 of each item and now do 100-200 of each new release). I mentioned my need for a jewelry assistant to my friend Shiloh (from We Drink Bubbles) and she said she knew the perfect person for the job—her sister Julia. Lucky for me, she was right and Julia was the perfect person for the job, and I seriously don’t know how I went so long without someone helping me make everything.

To help you get to know all three of us a tiny bit better, we all answered a few fun questions for you…

Founder & Designer

Where you’re from: Pleasanton, CA (but born in Massachusetts)
Coffee order: Iced almond milk latte (at home I drink Nespresso Hazelino every single morning)
Favorite Friends episode: “The One with All the Resolutions”
Your go-to outfit: White top, destroyed straight leg jeans, mules, and NB earrings.
Favorite place you’ve traveled to: Tie between Big Sur, CA and Edgartown, MA
Bucket list travel spot: Mallorca, Spain
Favorite thing at Trader Joe’s: Chile Spiced Mango
Celebrity crush: John Krasinski

Fulfillment Assistant

Where you’re from: Encinitas, CA
Coffee order: Hot/iced decaf americano with almond milk
Favorite Friends episode: “The One Where Ross Got High” or “The One Where No One’s Ready”
Your go-to outfit: Eyelet top, wide leg cropped jeans, d’orsay flats and NB earrings
Favorite place you’ve traveled to: Tie between Chicago and Quebec City (our honeymoon spot!)
Bucket list travel spot: Banff, Canada
Favorite thing at Trader Joe’s: Shaved Brussels Sprouts and Everything but the bagel seasoning
Celebrity crush: Seth Meyers

Jewelry Assistant

Where you’re from: Born and raised San Diego!
Coffee order: Cold brew, black
Favorite Friends episode: “The One With Ross’ Tan”
Your go-to outfit: Black leggings with a flannel, vintage t-shirt and always a hat of some sort!
Favorite place you’ve traveled to: Bali
Bucket list travel spot: Africa
Favorite thing at Trader Joe’s: Dark chocolate peanut butter cups
Celebrity crush: Jake Gyllenhaal

So there you go—that’s #teamnatalieborton! We are having so much fun working together, making things and shipping out things for you to love and wear everyday!


Meet the Team

Read the Comments +

  1. Hope Clark says:

    Wait, I had no idea you’re from Pleasanton! So am I! Did you go to Amador or Foothill? Small world!

  2. […] + last week natalie shared a post highlighting our little jewelry team so if you’re interested in learning a bit more about one of my side hustles, you can read the post here […]

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Hi, I'm Natalie

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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An inside look at Natalie Borton Designs (from me, the founder 👋🏼). Outfits, accessories, coffee & overthinking are guaranteed.

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