

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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10 Rules for Effortless, Everyday Style

In this series, I share some simple tips for leveling up your daily looks.

June is just around the corner, and summer is in the air! For the next 30 days, I’ll be sharing daily outfits here and on reels using only the pieces in this 30-piece capsule. All of the outfits throughout the month are saved here >

This capsule is intended to serve as inspiration for your own summer wardrobe. You do not need to stick to the same number of items or exact styles of things, and you also may have a different climate than we do here in San Diego so some layers may not serve any purpose for you this time of year. Our days are warm, but near the coast it can be chilly even during the summer so I have a few layering pieces included. (If you live in a hot climate, I edited the capsule for you here!)

I’ve linked the items I could, and offered alternatives for items that are old or sold out in case any of these pieces fit a gap in your wardrobe. Here are all of the pieces…


TOPS (8)

*these are the silicone covers I wear with tanks and a lot of dresses



*this is the half slip I wear under sheer dresses


Bags, jewelry, swimsuits pajamas are not included in the capsule, but here are the pieces I’ll be focusing on for the month…

Shop the Capsule

30 Piece Summer Capsule

Read the Comments +

  1. Tara says:

    Natalie, I love your style, and I’m not just talking clothes and accessories! The music, your spunkiness, your authenticity. It’s all wonderful! Question. How tall are you? And another (sorry if this is off putting, I mean no harm), do you know any fashion bloggers that are busty? I find it so hard to find minimalist, sustainable fashion bloggers that I can relate to their body shape. (I would go sans-chest if I could). Your body is beautiful, and you celebrate it in such a refreshing way… I just can’t relate to low cut dresses, strapless tops/dresses or blouses unbuttoned so low (the “gals” just won’t go for it). I wish I could because it is so wonderfully feminine! Besides my personal issue, thank you for your content. It is inspiring, beautiful and fun!

  2. Lindsey says:

    Hey Natalie! My new white EDA sneakers from Freda Salvador just arrived!! They are perfect!! One quick question though- how do u arrange the top of the laces so the knot/bow doesnt show? Are you just tucking it under? I tried that but it seemed bulky… thx!! -Lindsey

  3. Katrien says:

    What an amazing list! I will definitely use this as a guide line! Thank you, Katrien

  4. So many great pieces! I love what you’ve chosen and I’m excited to see your outfits.

    • Natalie says:

      Thanks Michelle! I’m excited to have these pieces to choose from for the next 30 days! Still debating on which final dress to add into the mix, though. I guess I still have a few days!

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Hi, I'm Natalie

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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Spring 2024



See and shop the things I am currently wearing or have on my wish list. I love minimalist, effortless pieces that can be worn multiple ways and cherished for years to come.

My top picks for the season.





An inside look at Natalie Borton Designs (from me, the founder 👋🏼). Outfits, accessories, coffee & overthinking are guaranteed.

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