

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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10 Rules for Effortless, Everyday Style

In this series, I share some simple tips for leveling up your daily looks.

Alllll the heart eyes for glass beads right now!! Specifically I’m so into recycled glass beads from Ghana—their matte finish and muted hues remind me so much of sea glass that I used to collect with my mom as a kid.

I never buy beads without a game plan, so I thought I’d let you in today on what I’m aiming to do with each of these different strands… 

Marbled Brown GLASS

The beads shown on the very bottom will be the first ones to hit the shop! Remember this Camille Necklace? A lot of you have asked for it again and while I’m not bringing back the original because it’s limited edition, I decided to create another version of it featuring these gorgeous beads! It will hit the shop next week so keep your eyes peeled!


Towards the middle of the photo above are the pink glass beads and some gorgeous ostrich shell flat beads. I’m planning to pair them with a matte gold triangle pendant to create another version of a pink-hued Dylan Necklace. (If you’re a pink lover, be sure to check out The Conni Tassel Necklace in the shop right now—it features the same pink glass beads!)

Greyish blue and Flat white Glass & gold

The beads to the right of the ostrich egg shell ones will be paired together to create an extremely similar piece to the one I just described. It’s basically a cooler-toned version, with some warmth added thanks to the gold. The mix of the cool tones with warm metallics gives it a modern vibe.


On the top right corner of the photo above is my favorite bead of all of them! The opaque grey is so stunning and is going to look amazing strung on matte gold chain. It’ll be another glass version of the Camille Necklace!

The Camille Necklace in marbled brown glass should be in the shop next week, and the rest will follow shortly after. I hope you’re as excited as I am! As always, stay in the loop by subscribing to the email list and following on Instagram.

The Recyled Glass Collection

Read the Comments +

  1. Sara Azani says:

    These are all gorgeous. I love the opaque grey glass. So excited for your new journey with jewelry! <3

    xx Sara

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