

I am a believer in owning your personal style, saying what you mean, asking for what you want, living authentically and the power of simplicity — in fashion, and in life.

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10 Rules for Effortless, Everyday Style

In this series, I share some simple tips for leveling up your daily looks.

A cashmere sweater and oversized blanket scarf make for a dreamy (and cozy) combo on a chilly winter morning. I wore this on my dad’s birthday for a little trip to the Salton Sea. It’s a really eerie and strangely beautiful place. Looking back at these photos it really looks like I’m on another planet! My favorite part of it is the mountains behind the water—isn’t that just stunning?

This cashmere sweater was a gift from Everlane that arrived just before Christmas. After wearing my black one so often for the past year or so (even just around the house!), it’s nice to have a new luxe  sweater in the rotation. Not only is it a great price, but the quality and softness are amazing.

One other thing of note—I’ve recently discovered a pretty brilliant mascara combo I wanted to share. First I curl my lashes (always!), then do one coat of Pixi by Petra Lacquer Lash Primer and one coat of Maybelline Full ‘N Soft Mascara. It is miraculous. You’re welcome 😉

Everlane sweater (c/o), Madewell jeans (c/o), Sam & Libby boots (similar), Old Navy scarf, Daniel Wellington watch (c/o, get 15% off with code NATALIEB), Natalie Borton necklace (similar)

Grey Cashmere

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